
EvrChill is a product ecosystem of display-worthy chilling devices designed for consumer and commercial use.


Food storage is a frustrating experience for many homeowners, particularly for young families who have unique consumption needs. It is difficult to find a product that allows perishable items to be properly stored yet readily accessible. How might we provide users a safe, organized, and potentially aesthetically-pleasing food storage?


Project management, research, interviews, concept ideation, materials and manufacturing analysis, prototyping

I. Discover

In an effort to identify potential areas for kitchenware product innovation, my research began by observing user behavior as they actively worked in their kitchen. During this time, I encouraged users to talk through their process and conducted focused interviews after.

Extreme frustration with food storage options was a core experience - so much so, in fact, that I coined it the “user’s tupperwar.”

Radical Listening

Jenn, 42 years old

  • Mother of one daughter, Lucy age 7

  • Concerned about building healthy eating habits for her family while managing their busy schedules

  • Enjoys curating an aesthetically pleasing home, especially in her kitchen where the family spends most of their time


Journey Map

Food storage has unique implications on young families.

I modeled our users’ journey of food consumption.

II. Define

Key aspects of food storage were identified during synthesis.


Users need food stored correctly to preserve, or extend, its condition. Food safety is non-negotiable.

Users feel are constantly organizing to accommodate the shape and bulk of food storage.

Users struggle with accessing food items, often storing perishable items in hard-to-see and hard-to-reach areas.

Users care about the appearance of their kitchens. Clutter is hidden behind closed doors.

[My children] grab a lot of unhealthy snacks, but they love when I put out fresh produce. I would buy more if I knew it wouldn’t get wasted.
— AT, mother of three aged 2-10

III. Develop

In a cycle, I iterated through key concepts by user testing low fidelity sketches created from opportunity areas found from the marketplace landscape and exploratory patent research.

Since the goal was to develop a functional, physical product I also created a mood board to identify the look and feel, explored CMF options and temperature control technology.

Concept, ideate, evaluate 🔁

IV. Deliver


Manufacturing methods

A chilled fruit bowl with a display-worthy design.

Product Charter

EvrChill is design that values parents who…

… believe in providing their children with healthy sustenance.
… are willing to spend on products with a sleek aesthetic.
… need seamlessly integration into their busy lifestyles.

Product Purpose

Functional test

Thermochip and heat sink technology were tested for basic ability to achieve desired cooling (and heating) temperatures.

Estimated manufacturing cost between $30-$40 with room for improvement, with a proposed market range between $100-250.

Product Ecosystem

EvrChill has potential to extend beyond the flagship Fruit Bowl product to a larger ecosystem that brings the display-worthy temperature maintenance to other home goods markets.

Two examples, demonstrated at right, are the cosmetic and medicinal industries. A young teen might wish to show off her skin care collection or warm her gua sha tool without leaving the bathroom. An elderly couple might remember to take their cool-dependent medicine if it isn’t buried in their fridge shelf.

Even within the food industry, catering companies would value a simplistic system of warming plates that don’t require hazardous burners.

Stakeholder Feedback

I encourage you to file a provisional patent and seriously consider continuing design refinement to bring your product to market. Fantastic job making something with potential to grow into a larger homeware ecosystem.
— Walter Herbst, founder and COO of Herbst Produkt

V. Debrief

Key Learnings

  • Observing and listening to users is an incredibly powerful research tool. Natural behaviors often reveal user needs that they cannot or will not articulate.

  • Understanding manufacturing and CMF procedures are key to designing a market-viable product.

  • Sketching ideas rapidly though quick sprints yield results in both quality and quantity.

  • Patent research can inform and inspire technological advances.

  • Protecting intellectual property, even through provisional patents, is critical to strategic differentiation.

Next Steps

  • Consult an electrical engineer for thermochip specifications

  • Consult a materials specialist for CMF considerations

  • Scale up user research for targeted demographic


UX/UI Design


Brand Design & Strategy